

Registered name: Genuine Sparklin Doc (AQHA #5693127)

Born: April 1, 2015

Height/weight: Still growing

Color/markings: Sorrel

Bloodlines in pedigree:

Owner: Marilyn Shideler

Bio: In the fall of 2015, Marilyn bought a small weanling colt in partial fulfillment of her Apprenticeship Program requirements. During her time at the ranch, she will need to train him under the supervision of the horsemanship director. Around the same time the young colt arrived at the ranch, Marilyn was doing a short study on the names of God. The name that first caught her attention was Jehovah Nissi, “The Lord is Our Banner.” Banner was named as a reminder of God’s love, protection, and guidance. Though Banner is young, he already shows signs of being a fast and willing learner. He loves being with people and is always watching the gate for the arrival of his human “friends.” Because of his temperament and heritage, we fully expect Banner to become a great show horse.

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